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Showing posts from February, 2021

Irish American Petition to Appoint a Special Envoy to Northern Ireland

  As America opens a new chapter with the election of President Biden and Vice President Harris, we appeal to the administration for the appointment of a 'U.S. Special Envoy to Northern Ireland' at the earliest possible opportunity.  This petition is backed by the Irish Echo and by the AOH in America.  You can read  an op-ed by Máirtín Ó Muilleoir , publisher of the  Irish Echo  and  and  see more about the letter to the President from AOH President Daniel J. O'Connell here.  Any reversal of the economic progress in the North of Ireland – today home to American blue-chip companies like Citi, Allstate, Liberty Mutual and Spirit Aerosystems which underpin the peace with jobs – will only play into the hands of the still-active loyalist paramilitary groups and their dissident republican counterparts.  Once again we look to an American President to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with the peacemakers and bridge-builders who ...